Transcription is a detailed process that requires effort, commitment, and accuracy. I always remind transcribers that the ultimate goal is to deliver clear, accurate transcripts that meet the client’s expectations. However, you need to know the vital things needed for transcribers to do a good job. Over the years, I have learned several tools and strategies about things needed for transcribers to do a good job. Thus, to achieve this, I will guide you through seven steps transcribers must follow before submitting your transcript. These tips should make it easier for you to succeed in transcription. Therefore, I will highlight seven important things needed for transcribers to do a good job as transcriptionists.

Step 1: Invest in Quality Transcribing Tools

Investing in quality transcribing equipment can make your work easier and more efficient. Some of the necessary tools you should have included a reliable computer, noise-canceling headphones, and quality software. Your transcription process can benefit from using tools like and oTranscribe. Overall, invest in the tools that will make the transcription process efficient.

Step 2: Create a Proper Workspace

Has anyone ever told you that a cluttered space creates a cluttered mind? These words are very true. I have learned that an organized workspace helps you focus better. So, as you set up your work area, ensure you can efficiently and comfortably work. Examples of things essential for your workspace are an enclosed space with a door you can lock, an ergonomic desk and chair, and your devices. This step is crucial because it helps reduce distractions and improves productivity. So, do not delay in creating a proper workspace before getting the job done.

Step 3: Review the Audio or Video Recording

Before you start transcribing, it is wise to understand what you see and/or hear in the recording. I have found that being aware of the context of what you see and/or hear makes it easier to follow along. This step is necessary because it sets you in the right frame of mind to draft and edit the transcript. So, carefully listen to the entire file once or twice before transcribing. Ensure you are undisturbed, with a quiet background as you try to understand the recording. Therefore, it is helpful when you clearly understand the information in the file before working on the transcript.

Step 4: Familiarize Yourself with the Speaker(s)

Familiarizing yourself with the speaker(s) involved in the recording helps you transcribe more accurately. This step is critical because some speakers may have distinct accents or linguistic styles. Thus, it is beneficial to distinguish the speakers and clearly understand what each person is saying. Applying this approach makes it better when transcribing, especially when labelling speakers. In essence, you must familiarize yourself with the different speakers and use them to guide your transcript.

Step 5: Use a Consistent Transcription Style

One vital lesson I learned from doing transcription is to establish a consistent transcription style. Using a consistent transcription style makes it easier to navigate the transcription process. Hence, identify a way to structure your transcripts, but it will vary based on the type of transcripts. For example, the format used for a sermon will differ from one for a podcast. Whatever style you choose, ensure it is simple, unique, consistent, and straightforward. You can still follow your client’s instructions by adjusting your transcription style. Therefore, aim to have a consistent transcription style.

Step 6: Double-Check Your Work Against the Audio or Video Recording

Once you’ve completed transcribing the audio or video recording, it is essential to review your transcript systematically. This step ensures that the transcript is accurate and free from errors. Double-checking is necessary because even minor errors can change the meaning of a sentence or paragraph. Thus, read through your transcript while listening to the file. Therefore, always compare your final transcript to the recording to ensure accuracy.

Step 7: Edit and Proofread Your Work

Before sending the transcript to the client, you must edit and proofread your work. This step is crucial because it ensures the transcript is error-free and meets the client’s expectations. So, invest quality time to review the document for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and accuracy errors. You can also try proofreading tools like Grammarly to speed up the process. Never submit a transcript before carefully doing one last proofread.

Let’s Recap!

Transcribing is a delicate task that requires concentration, accuracy, and attention to detail. To ensure you deliver a high-quality transcript, you must take specific steps before submitting the final product to the client. The process ranges from the preparation before starting the transcription to the last review before submitting your transcript. Applying my advice will help you efficiently deliver high-quality, accurate, and error-free transcripts that exceed expectations.

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Consultant/Blogger/Freelancer/Trainer/Transcriber/Speaker/Web Designer. I am on a mission to travel around the world and help persons to become their best selves, by becoming freelancers.


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