As freelancers, we want to be successful, but it means that we have to commit to the process and journey of becoming better. Not only do we have to be better as professionals and as the boss, but as human beings as well. I want us to explore how to become a better freelancer in four simple yet holistic ways. If you are interested in learning how to become a better freelancer, keep reading. I will advise you on how to become a better freelancer from the perspective that learning never ends, you must network to build your net worth, you are your number one priority, and you must learn from your mistakes.

Learning Never Ends

If you want to become a better freelancer, prepare yourself to invest time, energy, and money into learning. You can purchase courses or training to master the skills you use to earn, learn new skills you can monetize, or improve in the areas of management that you’re weakest in, running a business will be a continuous learning process. Whatever you choose to do, the wealth of wisdom will reward you with the knowledge and confidence to improve and scale your business

Network to Build Your Net Worth

Become a part of a community of like-minded, successful, and hard-working freelancers who also strive to become better persons and build successful businesses. This will provide you with access to people who can motivate you, share industry-related or entrepreneurial advice to solve the problems you face, and maybe connect you with potential clients. Furthermore, you never know if you may even find a potential mentor or find professionals you can collaborate with to scale your business.

You Are Your Number One Priority

Whilst making money and being successful is important, your mental and physical wellbeing should always come first. Remember that without you there would be no business. So to do a better job and run a profitable business, ensure that you’re taking good care of your health and wellbeing.

Whether it means taking a vacation when you need to, outsourcing help when you need extra hands, and resting your body, you must take care of yourself. As you do, ensure that you are eating right and exercising to fuel your body with the energy it needs to keep going. Also, do not forget to have some fun, by making time to do things you love and reward yourself after all your hard work.

Making mistakes is inevitable, however, it is foolish to keep making the same mistakes. Always take the time out to assess where you are going right and wrong. Then, try to figure out what is causing you to not fulfill the goals, objectives, and outcomes that you have set for yourself and what your client expects of you. For example, it may mean that your workflow system is not efficient, your team is not getting the job done properly, or you are not managing the business properly. Figure out the problem and make it your priority to fix it.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Making mistakes is inevitable, however, it is foolish to keep making the same mistakes. Always take the time out to assess where you are going right and wrong. Then, try to figure out what is causing you to not fulfill the goals, objectives, and outcomes that you have set for yourself and what your client expects of you. For example, it may mean that your workflow system is not efficient, your team is not getting the job done properly, or you are not managing the business properly. Figure out the problem and make it your priority to fix it.

There are so many other ways to help you to become a better freelancer, but these are a few of my suggestions. If you are already following these approaches, good for you. If you are not, it is not too late to start. What is important is that you are learning, growing, and improving personally and professionally. Good luck freelancers!

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Consultant/Blogger/Freelancer/Trainer/Transcriber/Speaker/Web Designer. I am on a mission to travel around the world and help persons to become their best selves, by becoming freelancers.


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